Month: October 2019

  • Room of Doom, Version 3

    Room of Doom, Version 3

    This is the third of three versions of this room. The whole room is a gigantic ancient mimic. The chest is to lure hapless adventurers into the room at which point the “door”, which is its mouth, will close and the mimic will proceed with digest anyone inside it. Mimic (Ancient) Huge monstrosity (shape changer),…

  • Room of Doom, Version 2

    Room of Doom, Version 2

    This is the second of three versions of this room. The chest is, in fact, a mimic and will hungrily attempt to devour any adventurer that gets close enough. Mimic (Mature) Medium monstrosity (shape changer), neutral Armor Class 12 (natural Armour) Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Speed 15ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA…

  • Room of Doom, Version 1

    Room of Doom, Version 1

    I’m planning to inflict this room on my players 3 times over the course of them gaining several levels. The room will look identical each time, but be subtly different. This is the first version of the room. The platform is, in fact, a pressure plate and any change in weight on the platform will…

  • seed bombs

    seed bombs

    Seed Bombs appear to be small round balls of clay about the size of a golf ball. The surface is hard and has been polished somewhat and has a pattern pressed into the surface suggesting the kind of bomb that it is. Nicely formatted version of this on GM Binder.