Hi there.
Once upon a time, I played way too much Dungeons and Dragons. I was hanging out with a great bunch of gamers who taught me a lot. We played a lot of different game titles, like Stormbringer, Runequest, and Teenagers from Outerspace. There was a superhero game, but I don’t remember its name. It might have been in GURPS. We even hooked up with R. Talsorian games and playtested one of their new games: a little thing called Cyberpunk. You might have heard of it.
But then life got in the way and games fell by the side.
Many years later, my kids are old enough to be interested in gaming and I’m enjoying it too. Hugo plays a bit of 5e D&D, but his main interests are Morg Borg and Pirate Borg.
I’ve been dabbling in a bit of world-building. I’m drawing maps and stuff again, and I thought it might be fun to have a place where I could share some of my stuff. So here is my RPG Stuff.
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