I love a good random table, but my problem with some tables is the distribution. A simple d10 is a linear distribution, where every number has an equal chance of being rolled. But if you roll multiple dice, like the 3d6, you get more of a bell curve with most rolls falling in the middle, around 10 or 11.
So with distribution in mind, I have put together a quick fumble chart for when you roll a natural 1 on the d20. (There’s a nice printable version on GM Binder)
Roll | Result |
3 | Self KO. Make a DC10 Dex save or knock yourself out. 1d6 rounds unconscious unless roused by somebody, or take damage from any source. Start your next turn Prone. |
4 | Pulled up lame. Make a DC10 Dex save or move at half speed for the rest of this encounter (or until healed) |
5 | You turn yourself around. Somehow you spun around and turned your back on the opponent who now gains one attack of opportunity against you. |
6 | I meant to do that. You miss in such a comical way that your opponent must make DC10 WIS save or be incapacitated laughing until the start of your next turn. |
7 | Two left feet. Drop to the bottom of the initiative order. |
8 | Really poor footwork. Drop 2 initiative level |
9 | Poor footwork. Drop 1 initiative level |
10 | Epic Fail. Your friends will tease you about this for weeks to come. |
11 | Epic Fail. Your friends will tease you about this for weeks to come. |
12 | Poor footwork. Drop 1 initiative level |
13 | Your next attack is with disadvantage |
14 | All attacks against you are with advantage until the start of your next turn. |
15 | Your weapon slips from your hand and lands in a random square 5 feet away. Roll 1d8 to determine direction with 1 being directly in front where the PC is facing, then count clockwise. |
16 | You miss your opponent, but your weapon strikes and gets lodged in wall/floor/furnature within 5′ of you and requires a DC12 STR check to pull it free. |
17 | Self Harm. You hit yourself. Roll damage as normal. |
18 | Self Harm. You hit yourself and do full damage to yourself. |