Wonderous item, very rare
This item is a 4-meter-long red ribbon that can be easily rolled or scrunched. When used in combat, the Red Tape can be thrown as a ranged weapon or used with a touch attack to ensnare a target in its binding grasp.
- Range: 10 meters (ranged attack)
- Attack Modifier: Dexterity modifier added to attack rolls
When the Red Tape hits a target, it immediately wraps around them and imposes the Bureaucratic Condition.
Bureaucratic Condition:
While ensnared, the target must complete a specific task or condition to free themselves from the Red Tape. The condition must be something the target can reasonably achieve, though it may be inconvenient, challenging, or time-consuming.
The condition can be physical, mental, or skill-based, such as:
- Successfully hugging the nearest bunny rabbit.
- Completing a Wisdom (History) check to pass a history quiz.
- Completing a “Weapons/Spells Safety Induction Module” before using their weapon or spells again.
The DM determines the condition, tailoring it to the target’s capabilities. Suggested Difficulty Class (DC) for resolving the condition is 12-15.
While affected by the Red Tape:
- The target’s movement speed is halved, unless the movement directly contributes to resolving the imposed condition.
- The target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, unless the action directly pertains to resolving the condition.
The condition persists until successfully resolved or the Red Tape is removed by external means, such as a successful Strength check (DC 15) to tear it off or a dispel magic spell.
The Red Tape regains its full functionality at the end of a long rest if it has been torn or dispelled.
Rarity: Very rare